Creative & Scriptwriting


Voice Over recording microphone

With many years working in both TV and Radio we have acquired the skills, knowledge and experience to turn your podcast into something that will really stand out from the crowd. And, let’s face it, that’s going to be hugely important if you want your content to be widely heard. 

Working across a range of genres including comedy, factual, entertainment and sport, we know how to create formats and structures to seamlessly guide the audience through the narrative. Combine this with award-winning scriptwriting and our high production values, the end result will be something that people will be talking about long after they’ve finished their run, commute or their long hot soak in the bath! 


Old radio - Radio advertising

There’s an obvious difference in writing for radio: the people you’re writing it for will never read it. 

We say it’s obvious, but listening to the majority of radio commercials, you begin to wonder. So many of them seem to be little more than spoken — or shouted — newspaper ads, frequently with too many words crammed into too short a time slot.  

At Parrot we have decades of experience writing hugely successful, multi award-winning radio ads so we understand how to use this amazing medium to its best: what it can do brilliantly, what it can’t. And because Parrot is situated right at the heart of the world-class facilities of Jungle Studios, we can experiment, improvise, workshop and fine-tune ideas as we go. Also, unlike some agencies and production companies, we’re happy to have our clients onboard from the start, sitting in the studio and participating in the creative process alongside us.

All of which means we — you — end up with radio ads which are proud of being radio ads, not second-tier apologies for press, TV or online.

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Need help with your script? Get in contact! We’d love to help!

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